Programming Note: Darts and Letters is off. We are producing a new season on Cited Podcast, which is called “the Rationality Wars“.

Bill Nye’s Bow Tie: the Politics of Science & Medicine

  • Thumbnail for EP84: Big Psychedelic (ft. Erika Dyke and David Nickles)

    EP84: Big Psychedelic (ft. Erika Dyke and David Nickles)

    Psychedelics have gone from the counterculture, to the mainstream. However, can you turn take such an ineffable thing -- personal revelation, cosmic oneness, spiritual enlightenment, whatever people have called it -- and make it just another commodity? We look at the deep rifts in and around psychedelic medicine, as different camps vie for the future of these drugs.
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  • Thumbnail for EP82: The Texas Two-Step and Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder

    EP82: The Texas Two-Step and Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder

    What's safer than baby powder? Parents have been using it for over 100 years to powder their baby's bottoms, and they've found one brand especially trustworthy: Johnson & Johnson. Yet, numerous studies have revealed the presence of trace amounts of asbestos in this talc-based powder.
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  • Thumbnail for EP80: Dr. Ex Machina (ft. Casey Ross & Ben Chin-Yee)

    EP80: Dr. Ex Machina (ft. Casey Ross & Ben Chin-Yee)

    Could an artificial intelligence diagnosis what ails you? Medical futurists offer a techno-utopian vision of perfect personalized risk assessments, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations. Yet, recent stories belie this optimism.
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  • Thumbnail for EP78: Misinformed: The Lab Leak & the Politics of Misinformation (ft. Branko Marcetic & Nicole M. Krause)

    EP78: Misinformed: The Lab Leak & the Politics of Misinformation (ft. Branko Marcetic & Nicole M. Krause)

    The COVID-19 lab leak theory went from being dismissed as mere misinformation, to now a credible matter of debate. What's changed, and what does this teach us about science journalism and science communication?
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  • Thumbnail for EP76: Do You Want to Live Forever?

    EP76: Do You Want to Live Forever?

    The story of the Fountain of Youth is as old as history itself. Herodatus, the father of ancient Greek history, wrote of a mythical spring that extended the life of its bathers. Today, entrepreneurs, scientists, and health influencers are still searching for that mythical spring.
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